
Posts Tagged ‘Nick Jonas’



[Now with minty-fresh, reassuring-ier updates from 11/16-17/09!]


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It’s here Revelers!  Volume 1, JONAS, Rockin’ the House is in stores and more importantly, in our hot little hands!  Taken as a whole, this DVD is an excellent compilation of what is delightful about the JONAS show, and the Jonas Brothers themselves.

Let’s bask in the wonderfulness of it all, after the jump!


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Happy Birthday, Nick Jonas!

The big 1-7. I remember that being a really good year.  The pressure of being the fabled 16 is gone, and the stress of being 18 is still to come. Yes, 17 is a very good year .

Here’s to you, our dearest Nick!

May this day be filled with love and laughter, and the days to come full of luck, health, family and friends.

[Via: jonasphotos.org, Beatles9Forever (YouTube)]

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Here’s a great little video full of old school Jonas antics from Music Choice Choice Cuts.

They are playing the “What do you want to be when you grow up?” game. Joe does most of the talking in this 49 second morsel, but he wouldn’t have pulled if off quite so well if Kevin and Nick were not sitting there making their “I’ll get you back later, Joe” faces.

It’s an instant classic, in the vein of old school Jonas laffs.

Check out the video and the Boys in their chosen (appointed?) future professions after the jump.


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Nick spoke today at a National Press Club luncheon in the name of diabetes advocacy.

He gave a speech about his story and how he is using his position as a rock star to promote awareness for those with diabetes, those who don’t know they have diabetes, and the people who love them. He also spoke about his partnership with Bayer through the “Nick’s Simple Wins” campaign, and was presented a check for $100,000.00 from Bayer for the Change For The Children Foundation.

Nick was poised, as always, and after his speech he answered a bevy of questions ranging from how testing his blood sugar on his hands up to 12 times a day affects his ability to play his instruments (all of which depend on touch and dexterity), which famous person he would most like to have dinner with, and if he has a girlfriend. He answered all of these questions adeptly, and I was very impressed with his candidness.

I really appreciated him saying that (after he learned he was not going to die) his second biggest concern was that he was going to have to drink Diet Coke from then on, and how the lyric “you don’t know what you’ve got ’till it’s gone” is kinda about chocolate cake. Another favorite part was when he confessed that he does not keep his monitor on stage with him (he leaves that in the trusty hands of someone who is always close) because they wear pants that are kinda tight (this got a BIG laugh).  I also loved how he touched on the issue of being sensitive about not being condescending to people with diabetes. If they are eating a big slice of chocolate cake, it is because they know they can deal with it.

He was inspiring, funny, relaxed and confident. He did an amazing job, and I hope he had lots of fun.

Watch Nick’s speech and Q&A now after the jump!


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World Tour Week 3!

Another busy week, and goodness knows what they have in store for us!  Follow along to find out!

So far we have Jonas Records, and Softball!


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This week is all about Canada! Well… Canada and the good ol’ U. S. of A.!

(OK, so I know I was not so great with updates last week – and the post was kinda trumped by Rolling Stone, and Nick J. I promise to be better, but if the tweets get too overwhelming I will just do highlights.)

Follow along as they continue to tour…


…after the jump!

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It is not as if we didn’t already know Nick Jonas was not only awesome, but also much more mature than his age of 16 years would imply, but I am quite impressed with his testimony today at a U.S. Senate hearing on Capitol Hill  for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation as part of the biennial JDRF Children’s Congress. It was moving, inspirational, and I couldn’t be more proud.

Nick told his story, quoted from his song “A Little Bit Longer” as well as submitted its full lyrics to the record. We all know the song, many of us know the story, but it all seemed new to me hearing Nick’s speech, and I was very moved.

Nick was joined by Mary Tyler Moore, and Sugar Ray Leonard, who also testified for the need for continued support for diabetes research. Read transcripts from their testimonies here.

Nick will re-join his brothers on stage tonight for a show in Denver, Colorado.

Watch Nick’s full testimony plus his feelings about his appearance,  after the jump.


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Our most favorite brothers helped to co-host the Much Music Video Awards in Toronto, Canada last night. They also walked away with the award for UR Fave International Video of the Year, and they performed “Burnin’ Up” and “Paranoid”.

The MMVAs were only broadcast in Canada, but you can catch the whole shebang (mercifully divided into clips) HERE NOW!

Click over the jump for some great pictures, some video, etc.


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After everyone got off of the GMA stage, had some coffee (and Joe got his bagel) the whole gang hopped a plane and headed to Spain!

They slipped in (nearly unnoticed) at 3am Madrid time, and had a show at the Palacio de Deportes and are already in Paris prepping for a show tonight!

And there was some extra adventure in Madrid including the mystery of the missing time keepers, the graduation of the 16 year old phenom, and the evil encore squashing power outage monster.

Hey everyone!

We just finished our show in Madrid, Spain.
Once again, it was amazing to be with our fans here.  They are some of the most passionate fans in the world.
They were singing and dancing to every song (including the new ones).  You made us feel so welcomed and loved.
This was a great way to start our tour and the release week of our NEW CD.
The power went out in the entire building on the last note of the last song.  We were very happy we were able to complete the main show.  We wish we could have done one more for you but the power was out in the building.
Thanks again Madrid for all the love and support.

Also – DO NOT MISS this amazing behind the scenes in Madrid piece by Quinn Brown from CNN for the Larry King Live Blog (Thanks for the tip, Coolmom). Here is a taste:

After a single day of covering the band, it is clear that the media attention alone would be enough to extinguish any band with an age range far older than these guys.  The barrage is relentless.  Five different countries with one-on-one interviews with all 3 guys, plus a huge press conference that the Jonases marched through as though they had been doing it for thirty years—nothing fazes them.  In fact, they came into our own interview after all of this and it was like they were seeing old friends for the first time in months.  An average age of 19 years old and total pros.


The Guys will be on LKL on the 18th!

Aggregated Madrid photos, tweets, and videos tras el salto…


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